Thanksgiving for the Announcement of a Visa Policy to Promote Democratic Elections in Bangladesh

, by Voice For Institutional Democracy


Thanksgiving for the Announcement of a Visa Policy to Promote Democratic Elections in Bangladesh


 The Honorable Antony J. Blinken

Secretary of State, United States Department of State

2201 C Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20520


Sub: Thanksgiving for the Announcement of a Visa Policy to Promote Democratic Elections in Bangladesh

Dear Secretary Blinken,


On behalf of the democracy-loving people of Bangladesh, I am writing this letter to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the recent announcement of a new visa policy under Section 212(a)(3)(C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. This policy demonstrates the United States' commitment to supporting the goal of holding free, fair, and peaceful national elections in Bangladesh.


We recognize and commend the United States' decision to restrict the issuance of visas to individuals believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the democratic election process in Bangladesh. This inclusive approach, targeting not only current and former Bangladeshi officials but also members of pro-government and opposition political parties, law enforcement, the judiciary, and security services, sends a strong message against actions that undermine the integrity of our electoral system.

By focusing on activities such as vote rigging, voter intimidation, violence against peaceful assemblies, and measures designed to stifle the voices of political parties, voters, civil society, and the media, this visa policy addresses the critical challenges we face in preserving and promoting democratic values in Bangladesh. It reaffirms the shared belief that the holding of free and fair elections is the responsibility of all stakeholders, including voters, political parties, the government, security forces, civil society, and the media.


Your announcement has brought hope and encouragement to those of us who strive to advance democracy in Bangladesh. It reflects the United States' commitment to supporting democratic processes, good governance, and human rights around the world. We believe that this policy will serve as a deterrent to those who seek to undermine our democratic institutions while empowering and protecting those who work tirelessly to strengthen them.


We express our deepest gratitude to you and the United States Department of State for taking this significant step to promote democratic values in Bangladesh. We are confident that this visa policy will contribute to creating an environment conducive to free and fair elections, where the voices of the people are respected and their choices are honored.


Once again, we thank you for your unwavering support for democracy in Bangladesh. We look forward to continued collaboration between our nations in promoting democratic principles, fostering good governance, and upholding human rights.


Please accept our sincere wishes to you and the people of the United States. Joy Bangla!


With the sincerest gratitude,

Minhaz Samad ChowdhuryIndependent HR Defender, 25th May 2023

(Focuses on State Violence against and Land Rights of Minorities in Bangladesh)


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